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Elaine Primary School


Elaine Primary School is part of the Inspire Partnership Academy Trust.  This page contains information and documents relating to our governance.  You can also access our Trust governance structure and overview documents on the main Trust Website..

For corporate information relating to the Inspire Partnership Academy Trust, including the governing documents and the Annual Report and Financial Statements, please click here.

As a Governing Body, we are a strong and active cross-section of people, with the objectives of providing a strategic view, ensuring accountability, and acting as a critical friend, through support and advice.  By providing an exciting curriculum within a caring and secure environment, we aim to ensure that each child can reach their full potential in every aspect of their development at Elaine Primary School.

If you would like to become a community governor please contact Julie Newman our Governance Administrator email

Meet your Local Governing Body   

Ian Chappell - Chair, Community Governor 
  • Term of office: 5th October 2023 to 4th October 2027
  • Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Yes 
Tracey Notley - Vice Chair, Community Governor
  • Term of office: 21st October 2021 to 20th October 2025 
  • Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None to declare
Kirstine Boon -  Community Governor 
  • Term of office: 2nd September 2024 to 1st September 2028
  • Relevant business/pecuniary interests - Yes 
Henry Chung - Community Governor
  • Term of office: 2nd September 2024 to 1st September 2028
  • Relevant business/pecuniary interests - Yes 
Robin Vincent - Parent Governor 
  • Term of office: 11 December 2023 to 11th December 2027
  • Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None to declare
Rupinder Bansil - Head Teacher
  • Term from: 1st September 2024
  • Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None to declare
Emma Baldwin - Staff Governor 
  • Term from 4th September 2023 to 3rd September 2027

Details of governors served in the last 12 months for whom we thank for their contribution. 

Vicki Chambers - Parent Governor: Term of office: 29th September 2020 to 28th September 2024; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None to declare
Helen Stewart -  Community Governor: Term of office ends 1st September; appointed: 15th April 2024 :Relevant business/pecuniary interests - yes 
Alex Jordan - Community Governor: Term of office ends 1st September; appointed 7th June 2023; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None to decare
Abigail Ratcliffe - Parent Governor: Term of office ends 1st September; appointed 17th June 2024; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None to declare
Jo Capes - Head Teacher Maundene Primary School: Term of office ends 1st September; Term from: 1st September 2021; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared  
Sarah Martin - Head Teacher Elaine Primary School: Term of office ends 1st September; Term from: 1st September 2022; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None to declare
Loni Stevens - Head Teacher Delce Primary School: Term of office ends 1st September; Term from : 1st September 2023; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None  to declare
Bethany Condon - Staff Governor: Term of office ends 1st September; appointed 21st November 2022; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared  
Lucy Jackson - Staff Governor: Term of office ends 1st September; appointed 1st February 2023; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None to declare 
Kevin Skipp - Community Governor: Term of office ends 1st September; appointed 2nd October 2022; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared
Sara- Jane Spring - community governor: Term of office ends 16th July 2024; appointed 3rd July 2023; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None to declare
Amanda Boyne - community governor: Term of office ends 26th April 2024; appointed 14th December 2021; Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Yes  

Medway LGB Transparency information

Elaine Academy has always aimed for a partnership with parents, which undoubtedly brings great benefits to the children. One of the most significant ways you can help in promoting this aim is to volunteer to be a parent governor. 

The LGB's main tasks are to hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and to ensure that suitable provision is made for the safeguarding and wellbeing of the academy's pupils and staff.

Parent governors are welcomed as valued members of the team and play a vital role in ensuring the LGB is aware of the views of parents and the local community.

Most of the LGB’s work takes place during its meetings, which occur termly. LGB Governors are also required to conduct monitoring visits to the school from time to time, to see how learning is delivered or to monitor areas that need improvement. 

We are part of the Inspire Partnership Academy Trust, which is committed to Continued Professional Development and this extends to our LGB and all Governors, who have access to training to help them carry out their role effectively. For those willing to commit their time, this can be a rewarding development opportunity. Any parent with a child or children currently at Elaine Primary school can be nominated or nominate themselves for election, we just ask candidates are:


Devoting the required time and energy to the role and aiming to achieve the best possible outcomes for pupils.  Prepared to give time, skills and knowledge to developing themselves and others in order to create highly effective governance.  The LGB meets between three and six times a year and Governors are expected to conduct monitoring visits at least three times a year.  The term of office for a LGB Governor is 3 years, but they can be re-elected as long as they still have a child at the school.


Of an independent mind, able to lead and contribute to courageous conversations, to express their opinion and to play an active role on the LGB.


Possessing an enquiring mind and an analytical approach and understanding the value of meaningful questioning.


Providing appropriate challenge to the status quo, not taking information or data at face value and always driving for improvement.


Prepared to listen to and work in partnership with others and understanding the importance of building strong working relationships within the board and with executive leaders, staff, parents and carers, pupils/students, the local community and employers.


Understanding the value of critical friendship, which enables both challenge and support, and self-reflective, pursuing learning and development opportunities to improve their own and whole board effectiveness.


Able to challenge conventional wisdom and be open-minded about new approaches to problem-solving; recognising the value of innovation and creative thinking to organisational development and success.